Do Less, Get More SHAÁ WASMUND
In Do Less, Get More, entrepreneur and bestselling author Sháá Wasmund reveals that the key to fulfilment isnt doing more, its doing what matters.
Is your life how you imagined it would be, or is the reality more stressful than you planned?
Do you put yourself under too much pressure to succeed?
Are you struggling to find time for the things, and people, you love?
It doesnt have to be this way. Anything is possible when you stop trying to do everything at the same time.
This life changing book gives you the tools to ditch your to-do list and follow your dreams. It will be your essential guide to doing what you love - and letting go of the rest.
カテゴリー: | 本・雑誌・漫画>>>本>>>洋書 |
商品の状態: | 目立った傷や汚れなし |
東京大学〈理科〉 前期日程 2023年版 (駿台大学入試完全対策シリーズ 6)
旺文社 国語辞典 第十二版(仮)